Standard gases

Standard gas” is a term in the gas industry. It is used to calibrate measuring instruments, evaluate measurement methods, and give standard values ​​for unknown sample gases.

Standard gases have a wide range of applications. A large number of common gases and special gases are used in chemical, petroleum, metallurgy, machinery, aerospace, electronics, military glass, ceramics, medicine and healthcare, automobiles, optical fiber, laser, diving, environmental protection, cutting, welding, food processing and other industrial sectors.

Common standard gases are mainly divided into the following categories

1. Standard gases for gas alarms

2. Standard gases for instrument calibration

3. Standard gases for environmental monitoring

4. Standard gases for medical and health care

5. Standard gases for electric power and energy

6. Standard gases for motor vehicle exhaust detection

7. Standard gases for petrochemicals

8. Standard gases for earthquake monitoring

Standard gases can also be used for measuring toxic organic matter, natural gas BTU measurement, supercritical fluid technology, and building and home environment monitoring.

Large-scale ethylene plants, synthetic ammonia plants and other petrochemical enterprises require dozens of pure gases and hundreds of multi-component standard mixed gases during the start-up, shutdown and normal production of the equipment to calibrate and calibrate the online analytical instruments used in the production process and the instruments for analyzing the quality of raw materials and products.

Post time: Nov-08-2024